Speedcrypt's Cryptography, Compression, and Deletion Solutions - Speedcrypt File Encryption

File Encryption
Encrypted Files
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Speedcrypt Features
Speedcrypt is a software dedicated to protecting users' data through encryption processes that use some of the most powerful and well-known algorithms. It also uses the most sophisticated password derivation techniques through HASH Functions, among the most appreciated and used in the world of cryptography.

The algorithms used are subjected to a Partial Self-Test when Speedcrypt is opened, and can be Fully Tested using the specific functions that the program makes available to users. Let's now take a look at the main features of the Speedcrypt Project, in terms of algorithms, cryptographic functions, and interaction with the system in use.
Crypto Engines
There are eight encryption engines actives that the program makes available to users: AES-GCM, AES-RIJNDAEL, PGP, AES (String Crypto), SERPENT 256 Bit Key, CHACA20, and XCHACHA20-POLY1305, AES (String Crypto 256 Bit Key). The first three are used to encrypt and decrypt files, moreover, AES-GCM is also used to encrypt the SALT stored in the archive, while Serpent is used to encrypt Password Lists.
  Crypto Engines
 Encrypt files and SALT string
 Encrypt files
 Encrypt files
 AES (String Crypto)
 Encrypt SALT string
SERPENT 256 Bit Key  Encrypt Password List
 Encrypt SALT string
 Encrypt SALT string
 AES 256 Bit Key (String Crypto)  Encrypt Master Key
The engines available in Speedcrypt are among the most famous and appreciated in the world of cryptography. They are powerful, effective, and fast in execution processes, offering a very high level of security. They are also equally efficient from the point of view of interaction with hardware, optimized for truly remarkable performance.
Salt Engines
A string named SALT is added to passwords used for encryption processes. This string is generated by the PRNG engines (pseudo-random number generators) supplied with Speedcrypt. The program provides users with six pseudo-random number generators that can be chosen according to their needs.
 Skein 256
  Skein 256
  Skein 256
 Very Good
  Skein 256
  Skein 256
 Very Good
The PRNG engines supplied with the program are of excellent quality, some much more reliable than others. Among these Fortuna is certainly preferable, for effectiveness, performance, speed of execution. In any case, this is a choice that the user must make based on his experience and knowledge of Pseudo-Random Number Generators. However, all generators offer a good level of safety and can be used to generate the SALT to be added to the Master Key.
HASH Engines
There are fourteen HASH Functions available in the program, some dated but still efficient and widely used in the cryptographic field. Some of them can be associated with the PBKDF2 algorithm (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) which is a key derivation function with a sliding computational cost, used to reduce the vulnerabilities of Brute Force Attacks.
  Key Stretching

 Memory Size, Iterations, Parallelism, HASH Size
 Very Good

 Memory Size, Block Size, Parallelism, HASH Size
 BCrypt Rounds R4 R10 R12 R31


 Very Good

 Very Good






 PBKDF2 Iterations 7000 base -> 350000

 PBKDF2 Iterations 7000 base -> 350000

 PBKDF2 Iterations 7000 base -> 350000

Speedcrypt does everything to create strong passwords, using the filling technique, the SALT and the consequent derivation of the Master Keys. However, it is up to you to compose password that are as complicated and difficult to attack as possible. For this reason, you can only use one password for each individual encryption process, even if the processes are connected to the same engine. A process, a Master Key, as will be explained later in the guide when we discuss the procedures related to file encryption.
Compression Algorithms
The files that undergo the encryption process can be compressed using special engines that Speedcrypt makes available to its users. In fact, there are three powerful compression algorithms that the user can choose from.
 Very Good
 Very Good
 Very Good
The compression algorithms are Open Source components, like all the components used in the Speedcrypt Project. They are powerful, versatile, fast in execution, and all offer a high level of file compression for files undergoing the encryption process.
Secure Deletion
At the end of the encryption process, Speedcrypt eliminates the original file so that it can no longer be recovered. To perform this operation, there are five deletion algorithms available, some of which are very secure and do not allow the recovery of deleted files in any way.
Execution Speed
 Very Fast
 Not Sure
Very Fast
 Not Sure
Very Fast
 Not Sure
 Very Sure
 Very Slow
 Very Sure
The first three algorithms are very fast but not secure, so do not use them. Instead, use the last two, which are secure but slower. The best compromise between speed and security is achieved with the DoD 7 Passes, also used by the US Department of Defense at an industrial level. The Gutmann 35 Passes is instead the most secure in the world, but it takes much longer to complete the procedure. Choose according to your needs.
Shell Link
The program can associate its icon with encrypted files. For this purpose there is an additional independent tool that can be called from the main window and from the Speedcrypt Settings under the Shell Link option.
 Call The Windows Registry Tool
 Associate The Voice Send To ... Speedcrypt
One of the first things to do when using the program for the first time is to associate its icon with encrypted files. This is an optional but highly recommended operation. In this way, files encrypted by Speedcrypt will be immediately recognizable.
Protected Mode
The Protected Mode is a shield that protects the program from attacks by the infamous Keyloggers. Protected Mode was introduced because of the inherent weakness of typing passwords using the keyboard. Keyloggers can record every keystroke typed, including passwords. The Speedcrypt Protected Mode creates a kind of shield that prevents keyloggers from intercepting passwords typed within the program. This way, even if a keylogger is present on the device, it will not be able to steal the Speedcrypt Password.

Using Protected Mode is therefore highly recommended, especially if you use Speedcrypt to encrypt sensitive files.

In order to use Protected Mode, you need to have .Net Framework 3.5 installed on your system. If you don't have it, Windows will ask you to download and install it when you try to enter this mode. You can also find the tool on this Official Web Page. The procedure is very simple and everything is done automatically.
Test List
From version 1.5, an important and convenient feature has been added to the page named Settings: now all tests performed, whether of Encryption, Compression, or Deletion, will be incorporated into a single list that can be saved and recalled when needed. This allows users to evaluate which engines might be most appropriate to use on their system.
Password Generator
Speedcrypt provides its users with a Password Generator to create highly robust Master Keys, ensuring a significant level of security. This tool is very simple to use and offers two different methods for generating appropriate Passwords. It allows the creation of strings within a range of Seven to Thirty-two characters in length.

The above are the main functions of the program. The online guide will describe in detail all the other features that the project offers to its users. Speedcrypt does everything possible to help encrypt your data securely and efficiently. To this end, follow the advice and suggestions that you will find in the Online Help Guide!
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